This blog is an extension of a conscience,
an expression of a student,
a living sponge, searching, figuring,
calculating and Feeling..
It is my hope
you can enjoy, and possibly we share this
point in time, in our culture
Reflecting moments in time, here one moment, gone the next...
Half Truth
Good and Evil
'If I choose to be Jewish I am making a momentous choice, fraught with consequence. I had better be absolutely sure I know what I'm choosing. Surely 'Jewish Survival' is not enough...At no point, at no place in the tradition are Jews instructed to survive. And if all I want is personal survival I can do a lot better then join my lot to the Jewish people in general and the state of Israel in particular"--C. Liebman
Alice, Dear where have you been?
So Near, So Far...and in between
What have you heard what have you seen?
Alice, Alice, please, Alice!
Alice, Alice, please, Alice!
So many doors, how did you choose
So much to gain so much to lose
So many things got in your way
Be careful not to lose your head
Have you outstripped the Rest? are you the President?
It is a trifle, they will more than arrive there every one,
and still pass on.
(Walt Whitman, Song of Myself)
"I pray for reflection, for intuition, for focus on issues that need work in my life...mostly because, it's always been there when it seems there is nothing else for communion."
..,and to say hi. (smiles)
My latest intrigue...
Parachuting, also known as skydiving, is the action of exiting an aircraft and returning to earth with the aid of gravity while using a parachute to slow down during the final part of the descent. It may or may not involve a certain amount of free-fall, a time during which the parachute has not been deployed and the body gradually accelerates to terminal velocity.
Freedom from Gravity
You're dreaming, are you dreaming, oh Alice
how will you ever find your way..
No time to say Hello..Goodbye..I'm Late!
Pinball is a type of arcade game, usually coin-operated, in which points are scored by a player manipulating one or more steel balls on a play field inside a glass-covered cabinet called a pinball machine. The primary objective of the game is to score as many points as possible. Points are earned when the ball strikes different targets on the play field. A drain is situated at the bottom of the play field protected by player-controlled plastic bats, called flippers. A game ends after all the balls fall into the drain. Secondary objectives are to maximize the time spent playing (by earning "extra balls" and keeping the ball in play as long as possible) and to earn free games (known as "replays").
Here's to you, Cyrano
THE VISCOMTE: You…you have.......umm .…..a very large nose!
CYRANO (imperturbably): That’s all? ...
The tyranny of life
is but a slice
in time
and then we die..
is there divine
hope to grasp
in our last breath,
goodbye to life,
and Hello, to peace,
in Death...
Two cities have been formed, therefore, by two loves.
The Earthly by love of self, even to the contempt of G-d; the Heavenly by the love of G-d, even to the contempt of Self...
-Augustus of Hippo
Freedom is~ Apart from Desire
tell us, are you Big or Small
to try this one or try them allIts such a long, long way to fall......
la trinité
...that just as there is no man who does not long for joy, so there is no man who does not long for peace. Even those who want war, want it really only for victory's sake: that is, they want to attain a glorious peace by fighting. For what is victory if not the subjugation of those who resist us?-Augustine
We now know enough to know that we will never know everything. This is why we need art: it teaches us how to live with mystery. Only the artist can explore the ineffable without offering us an answer, for sometimes there is no answer. John Keats called this romantic impulse ‘negative capability.’ He said that certain poets, like Shakespeare, had ‘the ability to remain in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.’ Keats realized that just because something can’t be solved, or reduced into the laws of physics, doesn’t mean it isn’t real. When we venture beyond the edge of our knowledge, all we have is art.
Unger: The thesis of negative capability
Roberto Unger appropriated Keats' term in order to explain resistance to rigid social divisions and hierarchies. For Unger, negative capability is the "denial of whatever in our contexts delivers us over to a fixed scheme of division and hierarchy and to an enforced choice between routine and rebellion." It is thus through negative capability that we can further empower ourselves against social and institutional constraints, and loosen the bonds that entrap us in a certain social station.
Do not fall into their stereotypes
Rage, Rage.....
It is therefore with the desire for peace..that wars are waged..
What is Freedom to you..
is it a compromise
is it a trade off
is it a state of mind
is it propaganda...
"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to loose"
I can't do this without you.
Life is Survival.
Death, Freedom

Hard to's been so much Fun..
Smoke 'em if U got 'em.