Welcome, sending to all the best, and strength and wisdom....yes,
may you be inscribed forever....
Yom Kippur
Never Give Up,
Never Lose Hope
Hold on desperately to
your Ideals,
Climb up them
If you Lose Sight
of who you are,
or who you thought
supposed to
lead you
to the
lead you
to the
Let them
make a fool of you.
Cling to them
when all logic
defies you.
Life is only worth
living if you can
give something
That Something, is a piece of You.
I woke up one morning,
after deciding to be too smart
for love.....
doodooo dodoodooo
pretty soon, my sunshines
lost their afternoons,
every day was cloudy
and I forgot
something special,
a goofy smile,
being made a...fool.
and realized, I could miss
so much...
I could miss out on
The Beatles christening the night, I would guess they are celebrating a never dying, eternally shining, hope in Love...and through their music holds the key to sustaining many hopes...many ideals...dreams,moons, and suns
Stars and Wishes too.
Stars and Wishes too.
British archaeologist, Sir Arthur Evans christened this ancient race,
"The Minoans",
around 1900, after the deed of ancient King Minos.
In Greek mythology, the Labyrinth (Greek λαβύρινθος labyrinthos, possibly the building complex at Knossos) was an elaborate structure designed and built by the legendary artificer Daedalus for King Minos of Crete at Knossos.
Detail on a Mycenaean War Knife Blade
Senusret III
Khakhaure Senusret III (also written as Senwosret III or Sesostris III) was a pharaoh of Egypt. He ruled from 1878 BC to 1839 BC.
Senusret III portraits are of special interest to art historians and scholars because they 'represent a sharp break from Old Kingdom practice, with their stunning and unprecedented realism in the rendition of his features'.
The King is depicted with a brooding expression, it reflects perhaps the real complexity of personality and circumstance of the life of a Great Ruler of people...it is beautiful and fascinating to think about what the lives of men of this stature must be like...the mystery and the strength, the discipline and the depth, and our souls do manifest in the lines on our faces, they tell a story, a history, and they can be quite stunning, inspiring a humbling type of reverence. But it is also magnificent to revel in the glory of ideals, idealists, idealisms, the wonder and the fantastic cover of technologies available at any given period of time...and of course, the pursuit and the talent of those who strive to seek perfection.
The King is depicted with a brooding expression, it reflects perhaps the real complexity of personality and circumstance of the life of a Great Ruler of people...it is beautiful and fascinating to think about what the lives of men of this stature must be like...the mystery and the strength, the discipline and the depth, and our souls do manifest in the lines on our faces, they tell a story, a history, and they can be quite stunning, inspiring a humbling type of reverence. But it is also magnificent to revel in the glory of ideals, idealists, idealisms, the wonder and the fantastic cover of technologies available at any given period of time...and of course, the pursuit and the talent of those who strive to seek perfection.
“I believe that
love that is true and real
creates a respite
from death…all
cowardice comes
from not loving,
or not loving well which is the same thing..
and when the man
who is brave and true
looks death square
in the face
it is because
they love with sufficient passion
to push death out
of their minds…
until it returns
as it does to all men,
and then you must
make really good love again…”
-Hemingway character,
monologue from 'Midnight in Paris'
We like to call ourselves Jews.
Even Michelangelo would have to agree with this level of Perfection.

While on a visit to the (fictional) Belmont Bevatron, eight people become stuck in a series of subtly unreal worlds, caused by the malfunction of the particle accelerator. These are later revealed to be solipsistic manifestations, bringing the story in line with Dick's penchant for subjective realities. As well as his future discussions of theology and fears about McCarthy-era authoritarianism, the novel skewers several human foibles.
...at each subsequent wonder you think you have arrived, that surely nothing could belong more to your destination than this, and each time you are proved wrong, until you cease thinking and simply surrender to the layers of marvels and visions washing over you like the walls of rain that follow one another seemingly endlessly in the monsoon-----
-excerpt taken from 'The Third Born' by M. Hamid
-Hemingway character,
monologue from 'Midnight in Paris'
Ernest Hemingway famously said in Death in the Afternoon (1932), "Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death.There are two taboos in life: sex and death, so we are constantly brushing the notion of death under the carpet but when you are in the ring you cannot avoid being confronted with it, since the ritual revolves around death, it is a reflective expiatory meditation, it is the acceptance of death in your life."
The Egyptians not only accepted death, they built an entire civilization around it...it makes one wonder, what did they discover within the longevity of their customs, their culture, the building on of knowledge and a certain way of intellect upon itself for over 3,000 years...
Papyrus from the Book of the Dead of Nakht
Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters
Amarna, Egypt 18th Dynasty ca. 1353-1335 BCE
Joseph, the Grand Vizier
(Genesis 41)
Imhotep among other talents served as chancellor to the pharaoh and high priest of the sun god Ra at Heliopolis. He was said to be a son of Ptah... He was revered as a genius and showered with titles. The full list of titles:
Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt,
First after the King of Upper Egypt,
Administrator of the Great Palace,
Hereditary nobleman,
High Priest of Heliopolis,
Sculptor and Maker of Vases in Chief.
Imhotep is credited as the founder of Egyptian medicine, and as author of the Edwin Smith papyrus, detailing cures, ailments and anatomical observations...
Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt,
First after the King of Upper Egypt,
Administrator of the Great Palace,
Hereditary nobleman,
High Priest of Heliopolis,
Sculptor and Maker of Vases in Chief.
Imhotep is credited as the founder of Egyptian medicine, and as author of the Edwin Smith papyrus, detailing cures, ailments and anatomical observations...
Two thousand years after his death, his status was raised to that of a god. The location for Imhotep's tomb is still unknown. One fringe theory is that Imhotep has strong similarities to the biblical Joseph. Some have suggested the biblical Joseph is a composite created by the authors of the Torah from a Hebrew individual and Imhotep, the authors confusing Imhotep for Joseph.
Joseph .. and his brothers
There are also cultures that have thrived and still thrive on the Celebration of Life,
The Book of Life.
The Seated Statue of Khafre ca. 2520-2490 BCE Diorite 5'6" high
The Divine Image of this King is Magnificent. Even Michelangelo would have to agree with this level of Perfection.

...at each subsequent wonder you think you have arrived, that surely nothing could belong more to your destination than this, and each time you are proved wrong, until you cease thinking and simply surrender to the layers of marvels and visions washing over you like the walls of rain that follow one another seemingly endlessly in the monsoon-----
-excerpt taken from 'The Third Born' by M. Hamid
1. not of sound mind; mad
*psychotic, neurotic: demented, out of one's mind or wits (be insane) have bats in the belfry; (go insane) take leave of one's senses.
each and every day is full of magic and surprise!
Each man is entitled to his own merry go round, his private garden, and captain of his ship...have you ever had a conversation with yourself(ves)?
At World's End (Multiple Jack's)
"I have the deepest affection for intellectual
conversations. The ability to just sit and talk. About love, about life, about
anything, about everything. To sit under the moon with all the time in the
world, the full-speed train that is our lives slowing to a crawl. Bound by no
obligations, barred by no human limitations. To speak without regret or fear of
consequence. To talk for hours and about what’s really important in life."

underneath fear,
under past heartache
beyond the banality of life
day to day..
If you Know, you Know.
Beautiful, complex, compelling...
It's about having faith, even when you know you don't completely understand..
about believing in a person.
About a word, and about an ideal.
Id, ego and super-ego
Id, ego and super-ego are the three parts of the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud's structural model of the psyche; they are the three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described. According to this model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the ego is the organized, realistic part; and the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role.
when you can accept
the truth about who you
are, where you are,
how you got there."
Every year on summer solstice, the Sun rises at a point that is farther north than on any other day of the year. At the ruins of Stonehenge in England, this solstice sunrise appears on the horizon in direct alignment with the massive heel stone. This is the most outstanding feature of the monument and there is little doubt that the builders of Stonehenge used it to mark this special day as the beginning of each year. By counting the number of days between these annual alignments, they could determine the length of the year.
With this, the time for the equinoxes can be determined as well. This could serve as a practical, basic calendar to mark holidays and seasonal festivals and to ensure the timely planting and harvesting of crops. This is essential for the Druids as knowing the right time to plant and harvest would affect the crop yield which was vital to the Druids' survival since agriculture is one of their major sources of food.
Jim Reinders and his family arranged old cars, painted gray, to match the
configuration of Stonehenge.
configuration of Stonehenge.
...no comment.