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Thank you for coming to my blog.
I hope to excite you.,
to charm you,
to cause you to think, to wonder,
to walk the path of insight,
to face your fears,
Our Demons,
Our G-d,
and Our Angels.
Join Me.
It is the task of the translator to release in his own language that pure language
which is under the spell of another, to liberate the language imprisoned in a work in his recreation of that work. For the sake of pure language he breaks through decayed barriers of
his own language.
-Walter Benjamin
The art of receiving is as important as the art of giving.

I'd like
to get
All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.
-William Shakespeare
I generally do not drink beer as I prefer diligent thinking and learning, but this picture establishes a particular mood set...///
"He feels imprisoned on this earth, he feels constricted;
the melancholy, the impotence, the sicknesses, the feverish
fancies of the captive afflict him; no comfort can comfort
him, since it is merely comfort, gentle head splitting
comfort glazing the brutal fact of imprisonment. But
if he is asked what he wants he cannot reply...He has
no conception of freedom. (From Franz Kafka)
Red Butterfly
an experimental art odyssey
Japanese Beer
Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I
Gustav Klimt
This beautiful rendition of the Jewish woman Adele Bloch-Bauer was stolen from the Bloch-Bauer family by the Nazi's, then, after 4 decades, returned to the heirs of the rightful owners following a protracted lawsuit. The family then had to sell the work in order to pay the costs of the legal battle.
Eckhart Tolle in describing every single movie ever made in 3 words:
"Something Goes Wrong."
And i will add this...in that 'something goes wrong' we may find the many facets of our souls cutting and etching amongst the energy..
Late '70's Francis Coppola
"You know sometimes a director feels bad about some of the things he puts the actors through, but, you know, knowing at the same time that the actors love to be able to perform things that will be memorable, that will be looked at for years and years. On one hand you're doing something that is terrible, and on the other hand you are doing something that is wonderful in that they live forever in what they've been able to achieve." F.F.C.
Crosses Pendants and Bear Claw wrap with Copper Accent
Tradition leaves it's mark for Generations, above or below the surface.
American Pop
Directed by Ralph Bakshi
Somewhere in New York City, a skinny young man with hair as yellow as corn weaves in and out of a nerve-frayed punk wasteland. He carries a bag of narcotics which will soon pulsate through the veins of a generation of alienated musicians. It is the 1980s and everyone he meets seems bleary-eyed, sick, and apathetic. However, as he struts down the streets, he hears a sound which catches his attention: an Orthodox Jew singing a hymn. The young man stops, turns, adjusts his sunglasses to get a better look. Something stirs deep inside him and he begins to pulsate in time with the singing. As he walks away to meet his customers, the young man can’t shake the odd rhythm.
This young man is Pete Bolinski. And though he doesn’t know it, he has just reunited with a heritage that he didn’t even realize was his birthright. It is a heritage of culture and religion, of traditions lost in the shuffle of war and tragedy. It is a heritage of several generations of young men who in seeking to find their place in American society helped forge it. But most of all, it is a heritage of music; a heritage of American Pop.
...the things of the past that are lost in translation and cannot ever be found...but felt.
Feel them.
...........................On the verge.........................
Someone once taught me a nice phrase in the Brasilian Portuguese language muitos sorrisos ago...
"O meu coração é tão feliz"
and each time I allow myself to believe this dream, it is,
and then I transcend for a moment
and each time I allow myself to believe this dream, it is,
and then I transcend for a moment
all of that which mankind has prepared for me,
if you find someone who inspires out of you to reach for your highest state,
who can put you in touch with your inner sense of what you always wanted to know, and to be, no matter what you ever thought your limits were, then, then.....
Pride and Prejudice,
a nice tale written by a young woman, before the invention of Don Draper:-).
Paradox is your friend.
Joni Mitchell on Tomorrow's Challenges
Copyright 1970 United Church Press
"I've always tried to be very available to whatever I hear, i think, being a film director...one of the most wonderful things of being a film director is what you learn. Because you're so sensitized, you're so hungry to, to have information that you just, search for everything and then whatever you can receive-if you can make use of it, if you can be available to it, you're able to put it right into context of the script or in this case I was then with the script in my left hand and 'Heart of Darkness' in my right hand and my eyes wide open, and I made the film really that way."
-F.F.C. (on the making of Apocalypse Now)
Which is more clean, to be dirt poor, or to be filthy rich?
Flight of the
And it is true that American troops would play loud music to demoralize and confound the opposing humans along the path to destruction. This is a favorite scene of pride for men with quivering loin and exploited ego across the U.S. And these can be great hearted men, convinced most of all that they stand for a a noble cause, for in which rewards of cases of beer and BBQ steaks are immeasurable and feed unquenchable appetites and clownish charades mixed with blurriness, toys, fire, and indulgence.
"My Whole Life is a Performance Piece."
-Lady Gaga
There are two criteria of truth:
Its content must be accurate,
It must be spoken at the right time.
When both conditions are met, the heavens and the earth will open to receive it.
Its content must be accurate,
It must be spoken at the right time.
When both conditions are met, the heavens and the earth will open to receive it.
"Desperately in need...of some...stranger's hand
In a...desperate land
Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain..."
-Lyric from 'The End'
In a...desperate land
Lost in a Roman...wilderness of pain
And all the children are insane
All the children are insane
Waiting for the summer rain..."
-Lyric from 'The End'