is a premodern form of psychology, tracing the inner paths of the psyche, and making clearer the obscure world of the unconscious mind...
Hello, welcome back, sorry to keep you waiting, I hope to make it worth your while.
Together let us explore the beauty, the wonder, the coincidence, and the Grandness of it all...
You are wonderful. You are vibrant. You are the reason why.
To him she
was a synonym for the Rose he carried in his hand for her...the rose was the
most beautiful flower he could see, it stood above and over all of the rest..
It was so
delicate and at the same time more strong than the stones, in the bed of that
garden. Beauty brings with it many tests of strength. Beauty brings forth the
need to covet, to conquer, to take, and to tear apart...
So the
rose, it grows thorns. Most people do not like the thorns of the rose, but he
was not like most people…he had an understanding regarding beauty...He saw the
thorns as necessary points of wisdom. Much like her intellect. And the softness
of the flower, as the curve of her rounded hip, and the soft recess where her
neck and shoulder met, where he could kiss and touch with his fingertips...the
color deep and unending, drawing all in to want to stare and become, and the
shape of the petals, her lips slightly open forming a kiss, which beckons to
the center of the flower, the treasure, the scent...
He gave
her the rose that day and a tear fell from his eye as he did, she was smiling
and she gently touched his face and spoke, Lover what is the matter? He only
kissed her on the cheek because he could not begin to explain about the rose,
how he really did not need to give it to her because she was the reason roses
were created. She, was that most beautiful masterpiece....
and she
never knew exactly why he shed a tear that day, but there was always something
about roses which made her soul remember to sing, and let her know somehow...that
she was not alone in the world. -AO
The Prince of Peace
by Akiane Kramarik
...I had just turned up at a photo session and it was at the time when Linda and I were just beginning to knock around with each other steadily. It was a hot day in London, a really nice hot day, and I think I wore sandals. I only had to walk around the corner to the crossing because I lived pretty nearby. I had me sandals on and for the photo session I thought I'll take my sandals off.
Linda: No, you were barefoot.
Paul: Oh, I was barefoot. Yeah, that's it. You know, so what? Barefoot, nice warm day, I didn't feel like wearing shoes. So I went around to the photo session and showed me bare feet. Of course when that comes out and people start looking at it they say, "Why has he got no shoes on? He's never done that before." OK, you've never seen me do it before, but, in actual fact, it's just me with my shoes off. Turns out to be some old Mafia sign of death or something.
Then the this-little-bit-if-you-play-it-backwards stuff. As I say, nine times out of ten it's really nothing. Take the end of Sgt. Pepper, that backward thing, "We'll fuck you like Supermen." Some fans came around to my door giggling. I said,
"Hello, what do you want?"
They said, "Is it true, that bit at the end? Is it true?
It says 'We'll fuck you like Supermen.'"
I said, "No, you're kidding. I haven't heard it, but I'll play it."
It was just some piece of conversation that was recorded and turned backwards. But I went inside after I'd seen them and played it studiously, turned it backwards with my thumb against the motor, turned the motor off and did it backwards. And there it was, sure as anything, plain as anything. "We'll fuck you like Supermen." I thought, Jesus, what can you do{...}?
"Hello, what do you want?"
They said, "Is it true, that bit at the end? Is it true?
It says 'We'll fuck you like Supermen.'"
I said, "No, you're kidding. I haven't heard it, but I'll play it."
It was just some piece of conversation that was recorded and turned backwards. But I went inside after I'd seen them and played it studiously, turned it backwards with my thumb against the motor, turned the motor off and did it backwards. And there it was, sure as anything, plain as anything. "We'll fuck you like Supermen." I thought, Jesus, what can you do{...}?
Finding Soul in High Heel Shoes
Artist Willie Cole
Daphne Guinness Sings
York Minster
Photo of Europe at Night
The view from a different perspective
In the new beinginng!
Great Jews
The Red Star Line served as an escape hatch for over half a million Jews seeking sanctuary from 1873 to 1934. The narrative of Jewish immigration from Europe to the United States often overlooks the importance of these ships. “None of the migration would have happened without the development of lines like Red Star,” said Hasia Diner, professor of Jewish history at New York University, via email.
Religious pluralism is conducive to the exploration of truth.
The AppleShip

Sweet dreams to you,
where ever you lie.
Mythology does not develop from concepts set forth by theologians whose concern it is to establish a reasonable system. it grows from the experience of men and women who become aware of phenomena and events for which they have no explanation.
In the new beinginng!

Great Jews
The Red Star Line served as an escape hatch for over half a million Jews seeking sanctuary from 1873 to 1934. The narrative of Jewish immigration from Europe to the United States often overlooks the importance of these ships. “None of the migration would have happened without the development of lines like Red Star,” said Hasia Diner, professor of Jewish history at New York University, via email.
Religious pluralism is conducive to the exploration of truth.
The AppleShip
A Small Tribute to The Great Federico Fellini
His career in cinema spanned five decades and he gained much critical acclaim. He won many awards including four Oscars in the Best Foreign Language category. His films offer a combination of themes including memory, dreams, fantasy and desire. They are often intimate looks at people at their most bizarre and the term "Felliniesque" is used when depicting an ordinary scene that has been altered by the addition of hallucinatory imagery. Many current filmmakers such as Woody Allen, David Lynch, Pedro Almodovar and Terry Gilliam have claimed to have been influenced in their work by Fellini.
Human ingenuity.
Mechanical Metamorphosis
Instead of attempting to create sophisticated robots that imitate the complexity in the insect form that required millions of years of evolution to achieve, scientists now essentially want to hijack bugs for use as robots.
The hybrid Insect Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (HI-MEMS) program is sponsoring research into surgically implanting microchips straight into insects as they grow, intertwining their nerves and muscles with circuitry that can then steer the critters. As expensive as these devices might be to manufacture and embed in the bugs, they could still prove cheaper than building miniature robots from scratch.
'What the modern world needs more than anything else is a story that unifies'
Great Book. Excellent book.
We need to feel in our bones that something much bigger is going on than our petty quarrels and our obsession with getting and spending, and that the role we each play in this very big something is what really defines the meaning and purpose of our lives.
...sometimes Buddhist and Hindu religious leaders lived in quarters on a shared religious site. Lay people consulted the Buddhist monastics about matters having to do with morality, and understanding the higher truths about life,...these same people also asked the Hindu priests to pray to the Hindu and local gods for this worldly benefits...good life, health, prosperity
Take a little journey with me.
C'mon, I'll make it worth your while...
If you would just do everything I say, then I could have compassion for you.
Artist rendering of of two galaxies colliding, and yes! one day the Milky Way and Andromeda will become The Milky Andromeda.
The gravity pulls them together,
then repels them
before bringing them together
for one last time
when they will become one,
a new combined physical structure,
an elliptical type galaxy.
You must create for yourself space, create it, and protect it.
It is only when you are alone that you can Truly discover that you are never alone.
A blanket of snow for a city covers
the dark
covers multitudes of deeds
his manners were so elegant
and the mist calms
and the fog holds my emotion
at bay

Sweet dreams to you,
where ever you lie.