What can a gal do with one luxury item, some books, magazines, a hope, and a promise?...
So we shall see in this lifetime.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu, (smiles).
The best way to control me is to let me do as I wish.
"When everybody tells you-the doubters tell you- It can't be done, you'll go broke or all kinds of tragedies will come your way, Nonsense.
If you can get to the root of who you are, the gut of who you are and make something happen from it, in whatever field...my sense is you're gonna surprise yourself."-Sassoon
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
Igor Stravinsky's Firebird Suite (finale)
So we shall see in this lifetime.
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu, (smiles).
The best way to control me is to let me do as I wish.
"When everybody tells you-the doubters tell you- It can't be done, you'll go broke or all kinds of tragedies will come your way, Nonsense.
If you can get to the root of who you are, the gut of who you are and make something happen from it, in whatever field...my sense is you're gonna surprise yourself."-Sassoon
Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
Igor Stravinsky's Firebird Suite (finale)
Presence is not opposed to Distance.
Distance is a commitment to total meaning.
Presence is a total commitment to the living moment,
the two go together.
Yet most people cannot do either. Sometimes they can manage presence or distance. I do both, at the same time (smiles).
Black is thicker than blood
To the simple minded I am full of contradiction. To the sophisticate I am simply complex.
To the simple minded I am full of contradiction. To the sophisticate I am simply complex.
Israel is not a promise of anything until the Jews and the Arabs stop fighting.
I am a Jew, and am part of a Jewish community. Ideologically I do not support the Jews, I do not support the Arabs, Buddhists, or the Christians. I support the humans, and I wish for us to be a successful species together.
It's time to move forward.
A daily orgasm is a great way to stay in touch with yourself
This young man, well he was trying to win my affections, and we were having a texting conversation. I told him, for fun, that I am a robot controlled from outer space.
Naturally, he said "I will be getting that remote", I told him of course that he would have to wrestle the angels to get it...silly boy, he was not taking me literally.
"Jacob's Dream"
by Mordechai Rosenstein

Here's to the Dream Weavers,
the unseen maneuvering
the Ones who know we are Believers
Here's to the quarries of the ships passing,
to the failures and successes
that are everlasting,
to the Ones who have known us
from our very depths
to the Ones who can teach us
to be nothing less
Cheers to the Weavers
for interlacing our hearts
trailings of wisdom
walks in the park,
To the love, to the pain
to the compassionate embrace
leaving you tingling
with no single trace...
The Art of Expression
Когда ты рядом лишь тогда я живу
i don't care if he likes me or not. i like me.
Wait, stop, can you feel it, can you feel the rhythm pulsing...
Ha Shem
While creation groans
With constant plea
From bayou to bay
And from bay to the sea
And the winds prophesy
What a meager repentance
Such blasphemous offerings
And what mocking remembrance
Of secret waters rippling with mirth
Spirit hovering
Over depths
Meeting earth
Dancing in love
With wind
From above
Panting then
Pulsing 'Til the first cry
Of birth
Alpha And omega
Thus speaks
-Karen Baker-Fletcher
With constant plea
From bayou to bay
And from bay to the sea
And the winds prophesy
What a meager repentance
Such blasphemous offerings
And what mocking remembrance
Of secret waters rippling with mirth
Spirit hovering
Over depths
Meeting earth
Dancing in love
With wind
From above
Panting then
Pulsing 'Til the first cry
Of birth
Alpha And omega
Thus speaks
-Karen Baker-Fletcher
Hublot Big Bang Series
Robert Thurman explains the symbiotic relationship between Tantric Buddhist communities and theBuddhist universities such as Nalanda which flourished at the same time:
"The Tantric communities of India in the latter half of the first Common Era millennium (and perhaps even earlier) were something like “Institutes of Advanced Studies” in relation to the great Buddhist monastic “Universities.” They were research centers for highly cultivated, successfully graduated experts in various branches of Inner Science (adhyatmavidya), some of whom were still monastics and could move back and forth from university (vidyalaya) to “site” (patha), and many of whom had resigned vows of poverty, celibacy, and so forth, and were living in the classical Indian saiñnyãsin or sãdhu style. I call them the "psychonauts" of the tradition, in parallel with our “astronauts,” the materialist scientist-adventurers whom we admire for their courageous explorations of the “outerspace” which we consider the matrix of material reality. Inverse astronauts, the psychonauts voyaged deep into “inner space,” encountering and conquering angels and demons in the depths of their subconscious minds."
The Dying Gaul
"To be Irish is to know that in the end,
the world will break your heart"
"This is the secret that the human being holds over the angels: Only the human heart can be broken and whole at once."
The MockingJay

I know you are asking yourself..."but what can I do?"
Wake up; Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything...
Here are some answers:
...we need to become more aware of the human rights issues at stake in the world today. Political prisoners, oppressive labor practices, religious fanaticism, minority and regional problems, censorship, racism, and other forms of injustice are rampant. Even if each of us studied one particular problem or one particular country, the world as a whole would be one giant step ahead. Of course, it is best to have a broader interest in human rights and all of us should endeavor to know our world as thoroughly as possible. Next, we can use our votes to defend human rights. We can write letters of condemnation or support to government officials, diplomats and the press to pressurize oppressive regimes, praise media coverage and stand by those who oppose violators. We can give money to human rights organizations either directly or by purchasing their publications and attending their activities. These organizations have additional ideas for individuals which range from Amnesty International's political prisoner adoption program to demonstrations against repressive regimes. Religious and civic organizations can be mobilized to worthy causes.
Much can be done.
-Randall Fegley