Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy 4th!!
To Independence!!
To Freedom!!
To the Blissfully Comfortable!!

John Denver is a sweet 
way indeed to begin a blog

Celebrating America's Birthday..

it is artists like him that have
 formed and shaped America's identity
and history!!

Still....I Love this Country...

At a crossroads...the enlightened veer right...

.Single Mothers Voting Republican.

 Republicans from the garden level of the 99....

...because we won't be sold on Obama's styrofoam crutches!!!!!!

We need a strong America...a Strong Republic...

Rewards for Success

a lil'Fun and Truth in Politics:




.Remember Chile. '82

"Girls...I am conveniently open and selectively supportive of 
whatever you choose for lunch."

"By the way, 
rainbows are fabulous...

(plus they sprout from a pot of golden nuggets)"


2012 Presidential Campaign Trail

He is Right.

It's time to face the facts. 
We know all you preppy Harvard School Grads love to think you are the King of Everything, but it's the ethnic minorities of this country 
who are the true leading Pimp Daddy's of the Lowrider Regime...

And as Obama is 'taking to the streets' in his big government private jet
handing out fool's gold like Robin Hood on Crack, and pretending to be the minority spokesman for the Peoples of the Hood, 
he is also ensuring that the vehicles of the lowrider community will eventually be 


and repressed, 

for more 'energy efficient' options.

Obama says "Hey guys, vote for me now...

and I'll put you in one of these."

.Yo Cuzz...this be Pimpin' it.

The Heritage Foundation states that there is enough recoverable oil in the United States alone to fuel every passenger car in the nation for 430 years. (for those that didn't know)


В Дверях Эдема Ангел нежный,

Главой поникщею сиял..

А Демон...мрачный и мятежный,

Над адской бездною летал..

Leftist policy says..."hey kids..just make sure you use a condom!!"

Someone please let the President and his 
Independent Payment Advisory Board Club
know that this is just a movie...

Obamacare's price caps for medical services will 
diminish seniors options and
quality of care by restricting what
the market naturally dictates
for fair and quality driven healthcare pricing.


Sofia Aksyonova 

Tigers Eat Panthers for Breakfast.



Instincts are important,
knowing when to readjust
their trajectory is Crucial.

American Legacy

The Muscle Car...

Obama...why do you hate us?

Left is not Right.

Left is not Right.




Do MORE than just vote...Vote to Save Our Country,


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