I was thinking, that if I could bring One person somewhere, one time...some hope, that perhaps my coming here was worth It.
Thoughts Are Seeds
Whether or not they take root,
Your Choice...
When one person's dream comes true, all of us share in the beauty of that. Open your hearts.
Nothing is what it seems. Nothing stands still. The deepest Truths are inside of you. Does this sound like the ad intro to the latest video game? No, my dear friends, this is Life. And if you do not know what it feels like to be completely, utterly, from the farthest depths of your being naked, with your clothes on, then you just...do not know.
Do you ever feel like your life is all metaphor?
Do soft tears trail your cheeks when you read literature of philosophers from the past?
Do you ever find beauty and watch as the rest trip right over it?
Are you surrounded with simmering child adults who can never get life right and spill their messy states of beings all over your shoes...while they smear solace across the road with dull bread knives?
Do you have beautiful dreams and real life nightmares?
Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York, a futurist, and a communicator and popularizer of science.
String Theory:
Point particles (electrons, etc),
are actually vibrating Strings
The melody you can play
unto these is chemistry
The Universe is
a symphony of these vibrating strings
The Mind of G-d sings to us
infinitely through cosmic music
That resinates through
11 dimensional hyperspace
and this to me...Poetry in Motion.
"I looked around and saw all these people pointing fingers at the bomb. But the bomb is getting boring, because what's wrong goes deeper than the bomb. What's wrong is how few people are free. Most people walking around are tied down to something that doesn't let them really speak, so they just add their confusion to the mess..." -Bob Dylan 1964
Too much emphasis on satisfying the way we 'feel' in any given moment...the answer is not to do away with feeling, or cure them...the answer is to learn how to feel what is real.
When you understand your feelings, you let them guide you, allow them to nudge you in the right direction.
Learn to break the love affair you have with your own drama.
"Singing blues has been getting old
You can be my full time, baby
Hot or cold
Don't break me down
I've been traveling too long
I've been trying too hard
With one pretty song"
You can be my full time, baby
Hot or cold
Don't break me down
I've been traveling too long
I've been trying too hard
With one pretty song"
A little take on Nietzsche...
"If you want to get to the peak, you ought
To climb without giving it too much thought."
- Up
"Anyone who has looked deeply into the world may guess how much wisdom lies in the superficiality of men. The instinct that preserves them teaches them to be flighty, light, and false"
Karl Bodmer:
Best known in the United States as a painter who captured the American West of the 19th century with extremely accurate depictions of its inhabitants.
National Geographic Life
Merci Beaucoup Valentino~Merci
Boethius (480-524 CE), incase you are not familiar, was a man of virtue, who loved wisdom and was thrown into prison...I mean, a dungeon where he wrote some things down. They killed him when he was 44 years old.
Here is a lovely verse he composed nearing the end of his life:
Philosophy has wings with which you can fly,
as an exaltation of larks to heaven,
and when your mind has fastened them on and
it can look down...
Flying even higher beyond the spheres
of air, it can look below at the clouds
and climb beyond the highest point of fire,
rising even to the house of the stars...
Having thus achieved it, it then
can aspire even further, beyond the upper
air toward the awesome dazzling light
where the king of kings wields his royal sceptor
and holds the reins that control the world.
He guides his chariot, although he does not move,
the effulgent universal master.
There you will at least remember yourself,
on the road back, the road home,
and you will say, "Yes, I recall it all,
where I was born, where I belong.
Here I shall stay!"
And should you chance to look
to the earth you have left behind...
Alexander McQueen
What do Paul McCartney
David Bowie
John Cale
and Johnny Depp
all have in common?
Is it so hard to believe that you are here because it is fun?
Fan Club: Ruth Hogben
I love hypocrisy. It is a point at which a system, a state of being, a personality, sort of breaks down and gets interesting. Like the center of a black hole. I bet there could be a mathematical equation that could take a person's core belief as the base line, measured up against the angle trajectory of the hypocritical belief or allowance, and figure from that the state of well being of the society in which the person lives.
Last week I had the treat of visiting an art show of Mr Mordechai Rosenstein he is incredibly talented, and entertainingly quirky to boot. I am a fan of this beautiful Hebrew calligraphy, and the 3d cutout effects are absolutely inspiring.
Fibonacci and The Struggle For Pleasure

Tutankhamun's brooch, which celebrates the ancient Egyptian pharaoh with a dazzling scarab made of yellow silica glass, which scientists say was likely formed from a comet impact millions of years ago.

Israel is sometimes a magical place, and it was indeed a desert in the 1940s and a rough, disorganized, nearly extra-terrestrial-seeming outpost in the 1950s.

It is said that all our exile is due to the sin of unconditional hatred.
When each one of us will start with unconditional love in our own domain, from there it will spread to all else that we do, and from there to the entire world
-R. Tzvi Freeman
I shall leave you with one of my favorite songs by
Daft Punk
Cheers and Good Tidings to All.
"For the strong and independent who are prepared and predestined to command and in whom the reason and art of a governing race become incarnate, religion is one more means of overcoming resistances, for the ability to rule---as a bond that unites rulers and subjects and betrays and delivers the consciences of the latter, that which is most concealed and intimate and would like to elude obedience, to the former."
National Geographic Life
Merci Beaucoup Valentino~Merci
Shine Light Upon Who You Are, Then Watch The Magic Unfold In The Present As It Beckons You Into Your Future.
Here is a lovely verse he composed nearing the end of his life:
Philosophy has wings with which you can fly,
as an exaltation of larks to heaven,
and when your mind has fastened them on and
it can look down...
Flying even higher beyond the spheres
of air, it can look below at the clouds
and climb beyond the highest point of fire,
rising even to the house of the stars...
Having thus achieved it, it then
can aspire even further, beyond the upper
air toward the awesome dazzling light
where the king of kings wields his royal sceptor
and holds the reins that control the world.
He guides his chariot, although he does not move,
the effulgent universal master.
There you will at least remember yourself,
on the road back, the road home,
and you will say, "Yes, I recall it all,
where I was born, where I belong.
Here I shall stay!"
And should you chance to look
to the earth you have left behind...
Here are some things you need to know about life, about your appearance, and about how you can be perceived in the world, pay attention now...
2. Pay attention to your posture, the way you hold yourself is telling of the state that your earthly spirit is in.
3. If you waddle when you walk you will never be taken seriously. Sorry, do not blame the messenger, it is the way the world works. Don't just diet, Change Your Lifestyle.
4. Beards are nice on some men, but boys, do realize that even the provincial towns are doing it now.
5. If you cannot sit still and meditate for even a minimum of 10-15 minutes in a day there is something wrong with your psychology, please fix it rather than ignore it for the next twenty years.
6. Being poor has nothing to do with how much money you have, neither does being rich for that matter.
7. Always be ready to find a higher and more rational and/or spiritual truth than you have now. Always be ready for evolution of the mind.
Thank you.
Alexander McQueen
What do Paul McCartney
David Bowie
John Cale
and Johnny Depp
all have in common?
Is it so hard to believe that you are here because it is fun?
Fan Club: Ruth Hogben
I love hypocrisy. It is a point at which a system, a state of being, a personality, sort of breaks down and gets interesting. Like the center of a black hole. I bet there could be a mathematical equation that could take a person's core belief as the base line, measured up against the angle trajectory of the hypocritical belief or allowance, and figure from that the state of well being of the society in which the person lives.
Last week I had the treat of visiting an art show of Mr Mordechai Rosenstein he is incredibly talented, and entertainingly quirky to boot. I am a fan of this beautiful Hebrew calligraphy, and the 3d cutout effects are absolutely inspiring.
Fibonacci and The Struggle For Pleasure
I am in love with a phantom...he lives...he Lives.
Egyptian Macrame


Israel is sometimes a magical place, and it was indeed a desert in the 1940s and a rough, disorganized, nearly extra-terrestrial-seeming outpost in the 1950s.

It is said that all our exile is due to the sin of unconditional hatred.
When each one of us will start with unconditional love in our own domain, from there it will spread to all else that we do, and from there to the entire world
-R. Tzvi Freeman
I shall leave you with one of my favorite songs by
Daft Punk
Cheers and Good Tidings to All.
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