Monday, October 29, 2012

~Weaving Spiders Come Not Here~

Painting by Howard David Johnson; Rendering of Titania The Fairy Queen
from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Nights Dream

I have a story to tell
and to do so I am going to use the beautiful, the truthful, and the myriad of perspective of our world. The input Of many Peoples who are creating and dreaming...dances, intuitions, triumphs, failures, and communication from cultures around the world. I want to thank you, to thank us all for putting forth your energy into making all of this inspiration, this wonder and hope, available to learn from, connect with, laugh, cry, and climb upward on the journey toward truth, 
thank you, תודה, obrigado, ありがとう, merci, 謝謝, الشكر, 
спасибо, go raibh maith agat, אַ דאַנק...

There is something so special about's chemistry, so seductive, so attractive to the eye, travels through the palette 
like a smooth dream.

 can get chocolate in 
most any shape and color!!!

which makes me think about...

Owls have always fascinated me, perhaps it is their solitary nature, their intelligence, their innate beauty...the fact that they fly alone by night and hunt, seek, quietly in their own distinct way navigate and exist in this world, they are extravagant, thrilling, ethereal.

 for an astounding view of what it would feel like to 
be a bunny saying his last prayers...

Owls are a group of birds that belong to the order Strigiformes, constituting 200 extant bird of preyspecies. Most are solitary and nocturnalOwls hunt small mammalsinsects, and other birds, although a few species specialize in hunting fish. They are found in all regions of the Earth except Antarctica, most of Greenland and some remote islands. Though owls are typically solitary, the literary collective noun for a group of owls is a parliament.

Most owls share an innate ability to fly almost silently and also more slowly in comparison to other birds of prey. In general owls live a mainly nocturnal lifestyle and being able to fly without making any noise gives them a strong advantage over their prey that are listening for any sign of danger in the dark night.

Wings, wings, fantastically wonderful Wings,
they can accomplish so many things,
and convey for us especially brand 
new meanings...

  I absolutely adore Vanity Fair. It has become a part of my psyche...I get excited when it arrives in the mailbox each month, like a kid from the 1950's receiving his Secret Society Little Orphan Annie decoding device. The other day I was thinking back on my relatively short relationship with this magazine, and remembered the very first issue I ever read front to back (ahhh, to reminisce on the sweet things in life). This particular article got me to thinking about life...about how no matter how wealthy or un-wealthy you are you never escape the problems of 'humanness'. Anyway Vivi Nevo is an interesting self made billionaire and following are some the highlights from the article that really stuck with me and had the windmills in my mind a spinning{...}

Veni, Vidi, Vivi

One of the most intriguing men in media, Vivi Nevo guards his privacy so well that for years he was un-Googleable. The 47-year-old financier’s art-filled Malibu compound, where he can relax with his chums, is a study in all the beauty, simplicity, and, sometimes, loneliness that money can buy.

‘Ihave everything and I have nothing,” Vivi once said to me. “Sometimes I feel like the loneliest man on the planet. All this ‘stuff’ and no one to share it with. And then when women come along, I wonder if they like the stuff more than me.”

"There is so much beauty in the world" a friend of mine who knows always says.

I know I know...I'm a Jew who LOVES Easter Bunnies...what can I say, I live in America!!!!

Michael Jackson: Remember the Time

One of my favorite songs/videos...
It's just too bad he was...

Cleopatra Remembers

She was one of the wisest women to ever have lived,

Elizabeth Taylor remembers too

Here she is feeding pigeons!!

...and thinking of birds, real wonder Alfred Hitchcock was so intrigued by them and used some to tell his stories, the way they are moved trance-like from one direction to the if a magic wand were guiding them...and they follow each other seemlessly, effortlessly, easily..of course there are a few outliers, and predators, but you can see what I mean..

their beauty lies in their harmony, no infighting, no war.

There is a correct way of wearing reasonable amounts of weight. 
It is an Art form in and of itself~

Ava Gardner

 and the invention of love{..}

"..spotted snakes with double tongue
     thorny hedgehogs, be not seen;
Newts and blindworms do no wrong,
     come not near our fairy queen.
Philomel with melody
     sing in our sweet lullaby;
Lulla, lulla, lullaby.."

au revoir marilyn.
beautiful star
We are all just traveller's here
mind the things you collect
bonjour daphne.

Symbolism has been around from the beginning of man kind. It has outlasted all language, culture, and tribe, it is still alive and with us today intermingled into our realit-ies.

Celtic Trinity Symbol 
  • Past, Present, Future
  • Power, Intellect, Love
  • Creator, Destroyer, Sustainer

The Five Fold Symbol

The first four themes are timeless, 
honored cornerstones of life found in 
countless cultures 
and they are fairly straightforward:

  • Four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water
  • Four directions: South, North, East, West
  • Four seasons: Summer, Winter, Spring, Fall

But what about the fifth element?

Our spiritually sagacious forebears pressed their minds out of the rigid confinement of the “four-sided” box. They grasped the concept of a more expansive essence unifying the common four elements. That’s where the fifth element makes its appearance in esoteric thought.

The Single Spiral

Represents ethereal energy radiating out, 
or in. 
Also symbolizes growth, birth...
     and expansion of consciousness.


a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. 
foreboding,apprehension, consternation, dismay, dread, terror, fright,panic, horror, trepidation, qualm. 
courage,security, calm, intrepidity.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

René Descartes viewed hate as an awareness that something is bad combined with an urge to withdraw from it. 
Baruch Spinoza defined hate as a type of sorrow that is due to an external cause. 

Aristotle viewed hate as a desire for the annihilation of an object that is incurable by time. 

Hatred is sorrow with the accompanying idea of an external cause. When something, or someone, gives us sorrow, we feel hatred toward that thing or person. 

David Hume believed that hate is an irreducible feeling that is not definable at all.

Aquinas considers hatred a vice directly opposed to charity, which he holds as the most excellent virtue, as without charity neither happiness nor true virtue is possible.

This is already past news for most, but it is important to iterate and reiterate the truth about anti-semitic hatred which is still strong and flourishing in the world in many different geographical regions.

without light in the world there can only be darkness.

Greece is in pain...they are Burning...

a burning city is susceptible to disease of many kind

(it makes the second Romney/Obama 2012 debate look like a 
purple hat club quilt party)

Kasidiaris leapt from his seat during this heated TV debate and threw a glass of water at Rena Dourou, a deputy with the radical Syriza party, after she declared his party "will take the country back 500 years". He then turned on Liana Kanelli, an MP with the KKE communist party, who stood up to condemn the action. Kasidiaris, a weightlifting enthusiast who served in the Greek military's special forces, slapped Kanelli around the face three times as she threw up her arms in self-defence. Shouting, "No, no, no", the talkshow's presenter, Giorgos Papadakis, tried to intervene but within moments other guests said the MP had fled from the studio.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion read aloud in Greek Parliament.

Stand up against Neo-Nazism in Europe
Be true to your nature

The second big winner of the recent election was Golden Dawn, a neo-Nazi party doubling as a criminal gang that physically attacks immigrants.  

This party has in the last two and a half years turned itself from an electoral non-entity to a party garnering 7% of the vote and easily clearing the 3% threshold necessary to enter the Greek parliament.  

Golden Dawn has been able to capitalize on the anger and shock that the brutal assault on the living conditions of ordinary Greeks has produced.

 Golden Dawn Members and Emblems..

Golden Dawn Supporters at a rally.

A Tale from NYCity

Imagine for a moment you are going out to dinner with your friend, or significant walk in and are told the bar is full. 

You are offered a seat on the terrace where all of the tables are empty, 
everyone is seated indoors. 

You are told you may sit on the terrace for a $25 fee. 

Acquaintances of yours who do not look culturally like you arrive twenty minutes later...
 sit and eat
on the terrace and
are not charged a fee. 

Brooklyn, NY

Nelson Mandela understood 
like this:

"All men, even the most 

seemingly cold blooded, 

have a core of decency, 

and if their heart is 


they are capable 

of changing."

What do you think...are you good and evil?

Speaking of Edward Furlong and Cult Classics...This film ignited the imaginations of men and boys across the country in 1984...girls too for that matter.

Strangely enough, despite all of the blood, tears, and entrapped woman's life it's actually quite romantic, I know the character Kyle Reese sure ignited my fantasies as a child...interesting twist to the typical riding off on a white horse bit from most fairy tales.


"Tech Noir"

In March of 1984 when The Terminator began filming, the director James Cameron and the producer Gale Ann Hurd were no Hollywood heavyweights. Cameron was no one's idea of a visionary (except for perhaps his own) and had only one feature under his belt, Piranha 2: The Spawning -- auspicious beginnings! Hurd had learned the production ropes on B movies for Roger Corman. Cameron and Hurd intended for the dark, fast and cheaply made robot movie to be their calling card. Seven months later in October the movie premiered with only its deceptively simple premise (killer machine hunts woman) and Conan the Barbarian (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to sell it. The Terminator was an immediate hit, though not quite a blockbuster. It earned a Conan-like $38 million gross in its initial run (which I believe is something roughly in the ballpark of $90 million in 2009 ticket sales).

Edward Norton in American History X smiling after the curb scene.

"I hope that most audience members will get the important messages in the film. Overall it's about Art being important even in difficult times and the importance of preserving Art and Culture. Mostly, I feel audiences get a sense of that. There are probably lots of little things that are important to me and my collaborators that may not be appreciated by the audience on first viewing but I hope they are felt on some level." 

What if every single thing we needed to live nicely existed naturally in nature?

Fight Fire With Fire

Sarah Connor's Evolution.

Internet map

What do you think about evolution in nature versus evolution in technology, can you compare microchips to imaginations? Is one faster than the other, or does it happen simultaneously? 

I.B.M. Reports Nanotube Chip Breakthrough!!!!

Carbon nanotubes are one of three promising technologies engineers hope will be perfected in time to keep the industry on its Moore’s Law pace.

Graphene is another promising material that is being explored, as well as a variant of the standard silicon transistor known as a tunneling field-effect transistor.

The face of an I.B.M. research scientist, 
Hongsik Park, is reflected in a wafer used 
to make microprocessors.

Dr. Guha, however, said carbon nanotube materials had more promising performance characteristics and that I.B.M. physicists and chemists had perfected a range of “tricks” to ease the manufacturing process.

Owls also have played a large part in the fantastical myths of humanity from the start..

Including Shakespeare of course:

"Now the hungry lion roars
and the wolf behowls the moon;
Whilst the heavy ploughman snores,
all with weary task foredone,
Now the wasted brands do glow,
Whilst the screech Owl, screeching loud,
puts the wretch that lies in woe
in remembrance of a shroud{..}"

Quote from Mark Twain: "Concerning the Jews"
If the statistics are right, 
the Jews constitute but one percent of the human race. 
It suggests a nebulous dim puff of star dust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of; but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other people... His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music, finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also way out of proportion to the weakness of his numbers. 
He has made a marvelous fight in the world, in all the ages; 
and has done it with his hands tied behind him.

As I lay me down to sleep
I pray I'm found by the right
side of things,
If I should die before I wake
let it be before the media
knows of my face.

i leave you with the sound of the rain, 

שלום is a key to reading my blog..the {..} indicates a link and sometimes there are other embedded links as well, hope you can enjoy.


This blog is dedicated to my friend 'ashley:

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