Friday, December 14, 2012

"Remember how long you have procrastinated...and how consistently you have failed to put to good use your suspended sentence,
Your days are numbered...

Use them to throw open the windows of your soul to the sun." Marcus Aurelius

Places to dream about...

Riad Joya

Jetsetter review


Un de mes modèles préférés
Je lève mon chapeau à elle, elle porte tout sans faille, merveilleux!

This blog is a way for me to sort my thoughts, to map out, to take a snapshot of some of the places my mind goes in a particular cluster of time, if you can enjoy, gain some sort of value, or insight, or just simply be amused, it is a pleasure to share 
with you. 

Compiled here are some of the many, Many, many things..ideas, creations..beauties, wonders,.amazing trinkets and tidbits from times past, present, and future of~

'la conscience humaine'


as a direction in space,
as a beautiful place..
to become who you were..
who you are..
who you will be

or here, in Shakespeare's
The Winter's Tale 
as a character with a

"I, that please sometry all, both joy and terror

O good and bad, that makes and unfolds error,
Now take upon me, in the name of Time,
To use my wings, Impute it not a crime
to me or my swift passage that I slide.... 

 Since it is in my power, 

To o'erthrow law and in one self born hour
To plant and o'erwhelm custom. Let me pass
The same I am ere ancient'st order was
Or what is now received. I witness to
The times that brought them in; so shall I do
To the freshest things now reigning, and to make stale
The glistering of this present as my tale
Now seems to it. Your patience thus allowing,
I turn my glass and give my scene such growing
As you had slept between.."

A crew member prepares the catwalk before the 2012 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Our Voyage Begins With The Vista Of Stars

seen on a dark, moonless night.

To the edge of the Universe
As each tiny spear of starlight enters our eyes, 
it ends a journey that began decades or centuries ago.

Five of the seven stars in the Big Dipper, are members of a nearby star cluster roughly 75 light years away.

Their light takes a human lifetime to reach earth.

The double-slit experiment, sometimes called Young's experiment (after Young's interference experiment), is a demonstration that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles, and demonstrates the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanical phenomena.

This experiment baffles even the most sophisticated of the science the scientists brought in more equipment to measure their was as if the light photons could sense they were being observed...they began to play games with the quantum physicists...changing their reactions and directions when passing through the slits in the appears the Light is not easily going to give away it's secrets...!

...ahhh yes, but if you try, with a little ingenuity and patience, it is possible to capture a bit of Light's magic..hahaa, take that science majors!! (smiles)

there is a soul in those shadows

"Be Young, Be Dope, Be Proud~

~~~Like an American~~~"
-Lana Del Ray

Lipstick stain in Sun Tzu

Le roi est mort, vive le roi

King Sized Chess~

The warm wood, soft and smooth beneath your
On the leather board, the scent of battles past still
Locked in combat, focused in,
A feint, eight moves, between you and a win,
Silence reigns amongst the regal throng,
Your opponent, seeming threatened, indulging long
In pauses, reflective moments;
Cunning wit is the key component
In this cool game of champions, kings and queens,
Whilst the cogs whir behind the scenes.
And when rook and knight are packed away,
Is there nothing more pleasing than to say:
“Good match, old friend--until our next game,
Perhaps then I’ll be able to put you to shame!”
(poem taken direct from the Hermes site)

Sarah, Queen of the Labyrinthby ~LouisaGallie

Sometimes I think am like Jane Birkin 
...surrounded by mirrors yet not seeing myself

"A day will come when beings shall stand on this Earth, 

as one stands upon a footstool, and laugh, 

and reach out their hands amongst the stars."--H.G.Wells

Jennifer Jones  lying in 
the grass in  pure 
euphoria...scheming to 
deceive the gods 

Love is  a Many Splendored Thing(1955)

Athena Nike, Temple of: “Nike Adjusting Her Sandal”

“Nike Adjusting Her Sandal,” marble relief from the balustrade of the Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, c. 410–407 bc. In the Acropolis Museum, Athens.
Even the gods get itchy feet. (smiles)

 a pretty lady in a pretty town prepares for a ride.

pas un pion
pas un pion
pas un pion
pas un pion
sum aureus

~Engineer, Craftsmen, Sculptor....the Plumber 

That’s what this bizarre world can do to a man: on the way to provide for his family, he sacrifices them on their own altar.

Really cool German Cuckoo Clock shop in Australia!!

What childhood dreams and play could be complete without the wonderful world of the one and only mythical Mr 
Dr Suess!!?!!

Reminiscent of the Folies-Bergere of the 1920's a photo of 
'PFC. Filer's Story (Scenes From A Theatrical Story That Never Was)' painted by Suess in one of his midnight solo soirees...he reserved the showing of this collection of his imaginations for after his was in these journeys that his paid creations from children's literature and advertisements left their world and solely inhabited his own....

"Fiction is like flowing water"

"Love is hard to believe, ask any lover. Life is hard to believe, ask any scientist. God is hard to believe, ask any believer... be excessively reasonable and you risk throwing out the universe with the bathwater."

Sparkling Hill Resort

Jetsetter review

G‑d Involved
Kislev 6, 5773 · November 20, 2012

When a parent loves a child,
he stoops down to the child, with such love,
he leaves his language to speak the language of the child,
he leaves his place to play the games of the child,
he leaves his entire world and all the maturity he has gained in thirty, forty years or more to become excited, sincerely excited, by those things that excite the child, to react as the child reacts, to live with the child in the child’s world with all his being…
So too, G‑d feels our pain and our joy. He lives intimately with us in our world. Yet He is infinite, beyond all things—even as He is here with us.

All of the colors are sooo beautiful,..
some in retrospect more than others..(smiles)

'C'est Merveilleux!' Edith Piaf would say

The New Heart is Square

Now, for the first time, researchers have devised a new type of measurement apparatus that can detect both particle and wave-like behavior at the same time. 

The device relies on a strange quantum effect called quantum nonlocality, a counter-intuitive notion that boils down to the idea that the same particle can exist in two locations at once.

Further, what really fascinates me, one particle will have the same experience through energy over a distance as the one it has become entangled with. Science is Art...

It is beautiful.

Gestalt Theory

aucun endroit comme la maison
aucun endroit comme la maison
aucun endroit comme la maison
aucun endroit comme la maison

The Art of Happiness~~

"It's poignant," Tyson said. "The universe is revealing to him what he already knew, but it wasn't real to him until he actually saw it."

Superman (from myths); 1981 by Andy Warhol

Can't get enough of....
The Man in Black
I have always liked Johnny Cash

John R. "Johnny" Cash (February 26, 1932 – September 12, 2003)
Although he is primarily remembered as a country music icon, his songs and sound spanned many other genres including rockabilly and rock and roll—especially early in his career—as well as bluesfolk, and gospel. This crossover appeal led to Cash being inducted in the Country Music Hall of Fame, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and Gospel Music Hall of Fame.

Be aware of those surprises which lie in the Shadows

Be Blue,
and Gold,
and Black,
be White,

Be Radiant.

The Other Son (2012) 

Two young men, one Israeli and one Palestinian, discover they were accidentally switched at birth.

Pray for all afflicted in conflict

Am Yisrael Chai.

...and most of all...Never let them crush your Spirit~

Happy Hanukkah to All!!!!!!!

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