Monday, December 31, 2012

Capitoline Wolf

Best wishes for the New Solar Yearbeginning this January 2013, 
may we be able to learn from the past, 
discern in the present, 
and imagine...
 see the future full of change, 
purity in evolution.. and justice.

Janus was god of doors as well as representing opposites such as purity and impurity, good 

and bad, sacred and profane but was more generally associated with the concept of "peace".

Dear Hashem, I yearn so badly to understand...
to grasp more than an ounce of Your collective beauty,
and when you grant to me, a slice, 
a rapturiously sweetened and delicate piece...
I can do nothing but fall to my knees before you,
in wonder, and awe,
and through the willowy lines
of my tears, comes such a joy,
a trembling extravagance raising me from
the depths
of my despair..

and in gratitude do I take in all of it,
all of this..
the octaves of my emotion
weaved into some great work,
the work of, me,

and as I know not what tomorrow brings
onto my horizon, I know that with you,
it will not be lesser than some type
of page in a Great Tale,
a story of friendship
a story of learning to love,
of learning about love,
and of applying this Enigma
into the tapestry of Your world...
Sincerely, Your Beloved.

America the beautiful
America so high,
the bars or the stripes
billowing softly outside
through the cold and 
windswept night...

~Lana Del Ray~

The Etruscan civilization fascinates me, especially the women..

There is a special kind of esoteric and mysticism associated with this culture...and in a time when women (wives) were subjugated all over the world and often not allowed to leave their homes and attend public gatherings with their husbands, Etruscan women had the audacity to attend banquets and sit with their husbands as well as accompany them to sporting events, they could also own property and rights other humans were allowed to's true, ask Aristotle, oh wait, you cannot...can you?

Their art was wonderful, like a collective and abstracted journal of a tribal sentiment, as most art tends to be.

The Chimera of Arezzo 

At about the time the Chimera of Arezzo was fashioned, Rome began to appropriate Etruscan territory. Their city of Veii fell to the Romans in 396 BCE, after a terrible ten year siege. Peace was concluded with Tarquinia in 351, but by the beginning of the next century, Rome had annexed Tarquinia too, and in 273 BCE the Romans conquered their major city. (text taken from 'Gardener's Art Through the Ages)

The Capitoline Wolf (She Wolf)

It is worth pondering for a moment the fact that the She-wolf was created by the Etruscans ca. 500-480 BC (according to mainstream archeologists) and the twins Romulus and Remus were added much later.

The wolf Capitoline,
courageous and serene

giving every ounce
of herself under siege
as these plump little
aliens suckle hastily,

eat up little ones
from the milk of those
who fall,

for you must grow 
a mighty nation
and annex half the 
world tomorrow...

 Roman god Jupiter
The gods Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva formed the 

"Capitoline Triad" and sat at the temple 

on the Capitoline hill from the earliest days of Rome. It is possible that in the beginning  

          Jupiter was a single entity with Janus. The cultural provenance of Jupiter stretches back 

into the Indo-European origins of western peoples. Jupiter was the supreme god as well as 

being divinity of the skies, rain, thunder and lightning. Government, law, morality and order were also 

under his watchful eye. Jupiter was son of Saturn or Cronos whom he slew to become father of the 

gods. He was chronically unfaithful to his wife and hid under different guises such as  

a swan or a cloud in order to have his way with women.{..}

The attributes ascribed to Jupiter were the same attributes held by Zeus.

In many ways the fusion of Jupiter and Zeus was a first mental step toward the monotheism of 

Judaeo-Christianity. A second step was taken by the emperor Heliogabalus who it 

seems attempted to unify all the gods under a single deity "Sol Invictu". 

He was killed and dragged through the crowds. 18 years of age.

A bit more on this intriguing character of whom attempted to change the status quo~:

Heliogabalus, was Roman Emperor from 218 to 222. A member of the Severan Dynasty, he was Syrianon his mother's side, the son of Julia Soaemias and Sextus Varius Marcellus. In his youth he served as a priest of the god Elagabal(in Latin, Elagabalus) in the hometown of his mother's family,Emesa. As a private citizen, he was probably named Sextus Varius Avitus Bassianus. Upon becoming emperor he took the name Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus. He was called Elagabalus only after his death.

Heliogabalus developed a reputation among his contemporaries for extreme eccentricitydecadence and zealotry which was likely exaggerated by his successors and political rivals.


Michael Jackson, it's like when Kennedy was shot, or Princess

Diana's will not forget what you were doing the 

moment you heard MJ left our world. At six years old I had the 

sparkling socks, stickers, buttons, and dreams of being Mrs. MJ 

one day like the billions of others around the globe...

Thank you 


I admire Charlize Theron's new 'do for the filming of the upcoming Mad Max movie...She is incredible onscreen...and loves her mother too.

Mad Max (1979) - Theatrical Trailer

Am i?....

Eshnunna Figures; Iraq 2700 BCE

Well, the Professors from your local archeologist factory will tell you something like this...'they have big eyes because they had to stay awake all the time and were required by duty to pray so much that there was no time allotted for sleep...let's say...eternal wakefulness, yeah."

When asked about the small hands..."it's because the eyes are so big, why? It's because I am smart and you are stupid. If you do not understand the big eye, small hand correlation, than you are dumb."

Arrogance will overshadow intelligence when they stand equal on the balance.

I breathe the sweet breath 
which comes forth from thy mouth,
and behold thy beauty everyday
it is my desire that I may be rejuvenated 
with life through love of thee
give me thy hands, holding thy spirit
thy may receive it and live by it
call thou upon my name unto eternity
and it shall never fail...

...waiting to be done...waiting to be finished...waiting for justice........not to be lost again.

My Boy, Saint Nick~

Soy judio... -gracias a HASHEM...
and as an American Jew after celebrating the miracles of my G-d 
with the kindling of 
Hanukkah Candles 
for eight golden nights 

I also celebrated Christmas with love and family immersed with the smell of pine and reminisce upon the mixing of lives, lifes, cultures and attributes all made possible through the one and only...Hashem, Master of the Universe...Yes.

What number comes after 'umpteen?'

I, aim....for the stars, where You Are. My Friend.

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