Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Good day, good morning, good afternoon, good evening...wherever you are in the world, do not feel alone, for I am cognizant of the fact that you are out there. And I do this blog for you, for me, for all of us. Best wishes to Alaska and Germany....

And now, we begin again.

Is there death without Love? Is there Life?

H.W. Longfellow
Ships that pass in the night, 
and speak each to each other in passing, 
only a signal shown, 
and a distant voice in the darkness; 
So on the ocean of life, 
we pass and speak to one another, 
only a look and a voice, 
then darkness again and a silence.   

That thick salty water with brine,
pulls the same from mine eyes with time
and as you wish for good friends to stay
so often life won't be scripted this way....

"But this intensity of his physical prostration
did but so much more abbreviate it. In an instant's
compass, great hearts sometimes condense 
to one deep pang, the sum total of those shallow 
pains kindly diffused through feebler men's whole
lives. And so, such hearts, though summary in
each one's suffering; still, if the gods decree it, 
in their lifetime aggregate a whole age of woe,
wholly made up of instantaneous intensities,
for even in their pointless centers, those noble
natures contain the entire circumference 
of inferior souls."
-from Moby Dick, regarding Captain Ahab

And the naysayers picked apart this ad turning 
it into a competition of race and social standing. 

Remember That You Are Beautiful.

The Earth would be that little blue dot in the pic...we need to be on the same team here. People. It's a mighty big Space out there.

Le Rabbin Chic~

My Ego says I am a Jew because I was Chosen,
My heart says I am a Jew because I have integrity and work hard
My Soul says I am a Jew because I seek out the Truth behind all things.

I do not allow any human being to dictate the standards that define who I am.

View of the moon from the International Space Station (ISS)

I had a dream the other night....

Carl Sagan in letters informs me,
 jet fuel is made from water,
as are the blankets of snow in winter.
Next...I sing poetry with Moses,
who tells me to dance in the
star shaped snowflakes,
that my friends have finally arrived.

Я полюбила тишину, а это такая редкость в мире ....

Ménilmontant 1926 Avant garde French Silent Film Classic

Very pretty, very nice.

Chic Rabbi

“The catalyst for the Chic Rabbis collection was a trip to New York in the early 1990s. I saw a group of rabbis leaving the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue. I found them very beautiful, very elegant, with their hats and their huge coats flapping in the wind. It was a fantastic scene.”
-Jean Paul Gaultier


Nathan Englander on writing his novel 'The Ministry of Special Cases.' (x):

“What I tell people about the novel is: Everything you think I made up is true and everything you think is true I made up, Declaring war on yourself? There’s something so proud, so cynical and dark in that. You don’t even have to travel anywhere.”

Analyze This.

A clearly heartfelt message from your nearest local Ego.

Whoops, did my manners slip??? (smiles)

Birds fascinate me...

In the spring, many people across the world have deep empathy for these feathered treasures as the birds can ram themselves into the windows in homes, fighting their perceived worst enemies (their own reflections) sometimes to the death, in tragic and heroic Shakespearean dramas meant to eliminate mating competitors.

Kristen Stewart, you are beautiful.
"It's not the fans that are scary, each one of them is different. But large groups of people are scary--there's no individual there. It feels like it's just an enormous body of water, like a wave that's stronger than you. And it's loud like water, so it's all-encompassing. You'd have to be a sociopath not to be penetrated by the human energy that's, like, cumulatively being hurled at you from every direction."--KS

Do not Lose Your Mind. Rewire It.

i imagined someone asked me...
what drew you toward that person,
and i said, from the first letters it was
clear to me there was a way of being,
somewhat shrouded by humanness, 
a way of being that my soul recognized,
revered, my heart, oh my heart beating 
so fast at the mention of a name.
i wanted to cross the bridge with you.

Believe it or not, even from my Hermetic little world, I do understand where Japan is...(smiles)

Une histoire de fleurs...


It's another one of those nouns that could be making the mechanical crossover...as in...I believe she's been-- Gatsby'd.

Money is  magic, it's negative presence can easily bring sickness, shame, degradation, starvation, even insanity. While it's positive presence brings you your desires, shelter, allows you to fly, call on other people's talents to improve your life, change the way you present yourself to the world, fashion, jewelry...others to turn tricks for you as per your whims... If human belief can make a piece of paper do all of these things, what else is it capable to do???

"I sing the heroes who were father Aesop's brood,
A troop whose histories are admittedly lies,
But lies, I say, from which great truths may be construed."
-Jean de La Fonatine

Oscar de la Renta

Dior Homme Fall 2013~~

Gregorian - Nothing else matters

Stairway to Heaven click {here}

Bradley Manning

Let us not forget this character, and also the one who turned him in, fame seeking Adrian Lamo.

Manning on his breach of security:
"It was easy, I listened and lip-synced to Lady Gaga's Telephone while exfiltrating possibly the largest data spillage in American history. Pretty simple and unglamorous, no one suspected a thing."

Manning was a voracious reader, he spent his free time poring over books on physics, biology, international relations,  even art history, all of which he believed could inform his analysis, and "hopefully, he told a friend, "save lives".
(excerpts from Rolling Stone 1178)

Iran’s Nuclear Plant Sits on Three Tectonic Plates????(click here for article)

 Telephone/Dance in The Dark (Live on Brit Awards 2010)
Lady Gaga performs a tribute to the late and Interesting Alexander McQueen

....and the days carried off by the winds,
and the loves we had kindled in friends,
fade away...but the labors of every day,
they, yes they, 
are the things which forever remain....

Leonardo Da Vinci, Rearing Horse, c. 1505

Hermès Black Rider

I often wonder on topics such as this...is the horse happier/better/more well suited to this luxuriously perfected existence, the partnership with it's rider, the discipline and practiced elegance of their form...or is it nicer for the great, immaculate wild stallions of the plains?

Theory number 3,457: Yes, that's it, the entire universe, cosmos, all of it, has decided to get together and play a giant joke on you.

*Mars One: A not for profit organization that aims to stage a global reality-TV event around its effort to land four people on the Red Planet in 2023. And as most commercially sponsored reality television reputations go...your ticket is one way, yes, subjects will live out their lives in an inflatable habitat on Mars.

Where spirit is not, it cannot be built, imitated, or duplicated.

“More beautiful,” our sages say, “is a moment of return and good deeds in this world than all the life of the world to come.” 
As the energy unleashed through the fission of matter explodes in awesome force, so too the darkness that becomes light knows no containment.
-Tzvi Freeman


....and they tie us unto some certain place,
whilst our dreams are forever frozen into space,

For the love of G-d.... 

hold onto your 

dreams as if they are your unborn 


Keep them close to you

at all times.

Never Let Them Die.

I Heart Israelis and Palestinian People.

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